Blog | Omid AhouraiEmotional rants, poetry, experiences

April 11, 2019By

This is my guide for creative dreamers.
Light up and strive with your brightest beamers.
Despair, be aware for those sin eaters.
Mind not the thieves and desperate cheaters.
See through them, but aid the pretend gate-keepers.

Gaze through their souls, let them open up.
Pour tea for yourself, and in everyone's cup.

It's an exchange of herbal medicine,
To bring us closer, to grow akin.
Coffee, matte, vodka, gin.
Keep it flowing so thoughts can spin,
Feed your fire, adrenaline.

Try real hard, it's never impossible.
Don't crack or shard, that's most remarkable.

Control the burn or let it flare.
Emotions parole, just deepens the tear.
Let it burst and be judged, if you dare.
Or keep it's control with the strum of your snare.
No one will ever know how much you bear.

Shadows cast on broken hearts.
As we shop forever with empty carts.

So share what you know and grant yourself pride.
Let your craft grow, don't let it hide.
There's no one way to make your stride.
Fall down, rise up, resist abide.
Give them a chance, though some of them lied.
Keep going all in, just do it for the ride.

Your soul is never lost, if your own soul's the guide.